My best best best friend ( Kai Wei ) and my best best friend ( Xiang Bin ). They two already 拍拖了. I forget they when start to 拍拖了. I am very happy they 拍拖 because when I see they 拍拖 I will very happy de. Xiang Bin 为了 Kai Wei already change many example he wont say bad word le and when I and my friend say bad word then he will scold we all T.T but i know he is 为了 Kai Wei. Haha..... They always give each and other thing. Got one time Xiang Bin buy a ring for Kai Wei and wear in Kai Wei's hand and I saw it. Prefect!!! If can give me see one more time then I sure will see it carefully. Then now Kai Wei now buy one more thing for Xiang Bin. Wah!!! Too Romantic le!!! And my phone also got they take de photo. So nice!!! I hope they will very happy and wont break forever.